Thursday, 27 October 2011

My great Grandma Smiths Yorkshire Parkin

Parkin is one of my favourite cakes, I love the way its profile changes over two to three weeks. the high quantity of sugar and syrup preserves the cake and begins to seep out slowly giving that sticky texture we all know.

Parkin is associated with bonfire night, there are many variations, in lancashire the Parkin had more flour than oatmeal and in yorkshire there was more oatmeal than flour there are also variations in the syrup,treacle and sometimes molasses are used.below is my great Grandmas recipe, she used lard in her Parkin, hundreds of years ago suet may have been used.

Great Granny Smiths (featured on BBC radio 4 Woman's hour)

Yorkshire Parkin


8oz lard

1lb golden syrup

8oz Demerara sugar

1lb plain flour

1lb medium oatmeal

1 tsp ground ginger

1 tsp Bicarbonate of soda

pinch of salt

splash of milk as required

How to make it

1.Pre heat the oven to 140°c. In a sauce pan over a medium heat gently melt the lard, syrup and sugar.

2. In a mixing bowl combine the flour, oatmeal, ground ginger, bicarbonate of soda and a pinch of salt. Gradually stir in the melted syrup mixture and mix together until thoroughly blended.

3. Test the dropping consistency of the mixture by seeing if it falls from the spatula. Add a splash of milk to soften the mixture if needed.

4. Pour the mixture into a prepared cake tin and bake at 140°c for 1hour 45 minutes.

5. Cool the Parkin in the tin for 30 minutes and then turn out.

6. When cool keep the Parkin in an air tight container for 2 to 3 weeks before use. 

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